Sabtu, Februari 28, 2009
carolinaiueo is back for a moment
oia FYI, gue ga suka twilight lagi. pernah suka sih, tapi sekarang udah tidak suka.
Sabtu, Januari 31, 2009
Jumat, Januari 09, 2009
carolinaiueo 's teacher said that....................
Yaelah sadis bener bu Tis (wali kelas 11 IPS 2) waktu pengambilan raport (08 Januari 2009) ngomong ama bokap gua kalo "anak bapak terancam ga naik kelas lhooo kalo nilai matematika nya masih ga tuntas juga di semester 2". nyeseeeeeek gila! bener bener deh rangkaian kata yg terucap dari bu tis itu langsung bikin gua shock and down. takut laaaaah gua kalo ga naik kelas, maluuu meeeeeeen. mending pindah sekolah!
Nilai matematika gua adalah 67. dan gua ranking 17 di kelas. Ahhhhhelah, stressssss. padahal feeling gua sebelum ambil raport bisa dapat peringkat kurang dari 15, namun feeling gua melenceng! iya juga sih kalo di semester 1 ini sifat pemalas gua merajalela tak terkontrol, tapi yasudah lah ga ada gunanya disesali. Pokoknya semester 2 gua mesti kudu and wajib tobat nih.
Gua bersyukur juga dapat ranking 17. walaupun itu ranking terjelek yang pernah gua dapatkan, namun ranking 17 bukan yang terburuk kan? Yaudah, intinya semester 2 gua harus jauh lebih baik dari semester 1 :D
Minggu, Januari 04, 2009
carolinaiueo is emosi wooooooooooy!
Pemerintah DKI. Jakarta berkata bahwa mulai besok masuk sekolah jam 6.30 pagi
oh oke. siapa takut! nih gua jabanin, biar kata rumah gua di pulo gebang dekeeeeet banget sama Bekasi tapi liat aja besok. sekolah SMAN 54 Jkt (terletak di Jatinegara) gua yang tercinta aja nyuruh besok masuk jam 6.15. mantapppppppp ga tuuh! bener bener deh. dijamin besok gua ga telat!
ga takut gua woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy!!
(ga guna banget marah-marah di blog hahahahahahahahahahahahaha mending ketawa stress hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha). -death-
carolinaiueo said happy new year 2009 to you guys
2009. oh no, cepat sekali yah tibanya si 2009 ini. lo tau ga seeeeeeeeeech, malam tahun baru gua tuh ga ada asyik asyiknya sama sekali! lo bayangin aja yah, tepat jam 12 teng nya yang biasanya orang2 pada party, bakar bakaran, whatever lah doing something cool namun beda dengan keluarga gua, tepat jam 12 gua & adek (katin) gua masih cuci piring gelas dlm jumlah yang sangat besar, nyokap & mbak gua masak ga kelar kelar, adek (iko) & bokap gua beres2 dll. ohhhh no, no special thing happen! ini tuh dikarenakan untuk persiapan acara besok. soalnya besok (which is on january 1th 2009) ada acara keluaraga besar di rumah gua dalam rangka merayakan tahun baru. jadi karena persiapannya belum selesai juga, terpaksa deh malam tahun barunya ga ngapa ngapain (maksud gua ga ngapa2in tuh me and family were busy doing tired things. kayak gua yg cuci piring, nyokap gua masih masak dari siang 31 des sampai subuh 1 jan 2009!). gua aja tidur sekitar jam 5 pagi zz, parah ngantuknya!
yaaa tapi gapapa lah melewatkan tahun baru dengan mencuci piring dan membantu lainnya, karena itu juga kesenangan besoknya, sodara2 gua datang jam 8 pagi. ah gila, sepupu2 gua makin tinggi aja yaaaaaa! kalah tinggi gua sama ank SD! ckckck nasib. hhahaha untung aja segala persiapannya udah selesai beberapa jam sebelum mereka datang (sekitar jam 6 pagi baru bener2 selesai!!!). asik laaaah pokoknya ketemu, makan bareng & ngobrol2, foto bareng family gua. asssssssssssiiiiik banget lah pada akhirnya.
banyak banget harapan gua buat tahun 2009 ini, salah satunya adalah agar pada jam 12 malam tanggal 31 desember 2009 nanti gua ga cuci piring lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! pokoknya bisa merayakan malam tahun baru 2010 dengan fun! AMIN :D
Sabtu, Desember 27, 2008
carolinaiueo is not really loves her loooooooooong holiday
Ohhhhhh no, i hate long holiday! How's my life? I thought it going to be more boring-strange-empty-pointless for this week (except at 22, 24 and 25 December). I got bad feeling in all the things. Yeaaaaaaah, I need my friends desperately. Really really missing them so deep (are they missing me? yes, i guess haha. i hope they feel what i feel haha) but i thought they have a great holiday, not like me haha. come on meeeeeeeeen, i'm just stuck in Jakarta. what a holiday!
I wish i have long sleep until January 5th 2009 (the end of holiday and we can meet each other at school, yeah!). Ohhh nowaaaaaaaaay, i won't sleeeeep, i won't through my new year on my bed! hahaha. I'm waiting for new year, which is my family will comes to my home. There is open house on january 1th 2009 at my home for my big family from the other place (jakarta, of course). I'm waiting for that.
carolinaiueo's christmas
I've missed blogging soooooo so so much! Thanks to everyone who has been commenting my posts. I absolutely adore all of your comments. I had praying to the god so that you have rewards because of your kindness (your kindness is commented me). I've been trying my best to keep updated on my blog.
hey heeeeeeeey, sorry ya at my last post i just shared a photo and a sentence. yeah it was because of my shitty-weird-stubborn sister (named katin). yesterday i was online from 11 am until 5 pm, it means in 5 hours. i was wasted my 5 hours for surffed on youtube, facebook and friendster. ahhhhhh but actually the case is, i haven't finished my post about Christmas (you can see my last post). And she grumble and complain to me about it, she wanted online too. Lastly, i just posted a photo and short sentence.
My Christmas was soooooo great. At night before Christmas me and family went to the church. After that we celebrated Christmas with BBQ party until half-night together. That was fun. In the morning which is Christmas, we went again to the church until noon and at night appropriately at 8 pm we went to my aunt's house to celebrated Christmas until 1 am and arrived at home at 2 o'clock (dawn). That was exhausted. Overall i love this Christmas, and Merry Christmas for Christian. Wish you have a great Christmas like me and hope you got a miracle in your Christmas. God bless you all.
Jumat, Desember 26, 2008
Sabtu, Desember 20, 2008
carolinaiueo is vacillating
"Let the world discover your deepest secret or lose your best friend?"
jawaban & tindakan apa yang seharusnya gua ambil?
manakah jawaban yang bijaksana??
help! comment ya, yg masih memiliki rasa belas kasihan kepada diriku yang lemah dan rapuh tak berdaya ini tolonglah give me some advices, ok? yessssss, i guess. i know you'll give it!
Jumat, Desember 19, 2008
Selasa, Desember 09, 2008
carolinaiueo is loves her soys
thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for my soys. yani, arie, shinta. yaaaampun kalian bener bener top dah! ahh love you my babiessss :D
haha thanks ya soys and buat semuanya. benar benar ulangtahun yg berkesan. pake acara ngerjain gua segala lageeeeeee. bener2 ga nyangka! tapi gua suka bgt isi kartu ucapannya (wedeeew, yg konon di design sendiri oleh sriyani. di design penuh dgn warna unguu ahaha) dan kue nya jg enak haha (you know laaah i love everything). thanks for soys yg sudah meluangkan tenaga, pikiran, uang, kesehatan, mental, kegigihan, keuletan, kenonbiadaban, kebaikan dan waktu untuk membuat saya bahagia. oia khusus buat sriyani yg punya bakat acting yg sangat luar biasa haha, gua saranin casting deh lo! sangat menjiwai peran. thanks juga buat dewi & sabila yg sudah memeriahkan acara tadi :D
oia, for ristya nih. thanks yaaaa, baby. haha ristya memang a good friend laaah. makasih atas kado novel Eclipse nya yg telah diberikan buat saya. kau tau apa yg ku mau. gua yakin lo ikhlas kan?? pasti laaah. lo kan orang kayaaaaaaa
wahhh, ternyata gua telah salah. i thought this year is the worst birthday than i ever through, but......... no! haha tahun ini tahun yg mengesankan. thank you all.
oia, yang lupa sama ultah gua, paraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah lo ya!
Senin, Desember 08, 2008
carolinaiueo's day
yes, on 8 December it’s my birthday, i was born in 1992 so if you do some maths, i’m 16 right now. thanks for the wonderful greetings from my friends around me and of course from my family. thanks to everyone who remember my birthday.
today i spent the day up in my home. there is no special programs today. meanwhile, at the noon, my bestfriends cames to my home. they are budi and dito. the gave me a litre of chocolate ice cream. woooohoo! i loved it. thanks, buddies.
i can honestly say that it is the most disappointing birthday that i ever through. i didn't celebrated this birthday with my family. yeaaaaaah, usually my family always celebrate my birthday at my home or hang out together, but now...................................nothing. its because of my parent is fighting over. aghh i hate it. i hope they repair their relationship, as soon as possible! but thank god, i have lot of great friends
this past, my good friend decided to give me a present. she promise me to give me a novel as a birthday present, created by Stephenie Meyer tomorrow. she is Ristya ( student of 54 shs, 11 social 3). i hope she appropriate her promise hehe. i love you, ristyaaaaaaa :D
i love to grow up as fast as i can. am i getting old yeah?? haha but I'm not worried. don't get me wrong, I don't feel old, maybe just "mature" hahaha. my expectation is my experience grows faster than my age. AMIN
Minggu, Desember 07, 2008
carolinaiueo is twilighter
yesterday i watched this movie with my sister. honestly, i knew about twilight because of PARAMORE. paramore is a band who content for the soundtrack. i heard decode (name for soundtrack) at paramore's myspace. oyaaa, there is Decode song in my playlist, you can play it if you want to hear the soundtrack. woooaaaaah i love this song. so fantastic and powerful song! so i decided to find out the film and novel.
the books was in my opinion amazing. It was one of the best books i`ve ever read. you know i'm not a freaky reader, i don't like read novel but twilight was different. its easy to read twilight same as read a girl's diary. i can guarantee it, you will not fed up ;)
The movie a bit different from the book eyes, you need to go in with an open mind. overall, the movie was great.The casting is actually really well done. i love Bella and Edward's chemistry in this film, they are so compatible. especially for Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), he was attracted with his handsomeness. ahaha i want to see twilight again. the film was impressive :D
so, have you ever read or watch twilight? what do you thing about it?
Sabtu, Desember 06, 2008
carolinaiueo is being fool by somebody
Jumat, November 28, 2008
carolinaiueo's hobby
bikin video. lagi seneng2 nya bikin video nih. awalnya gara2 bareng shabye (she is my classmate), trus berlanjut bareng sister gua di rumah.
haha bisa dibilang video2 tersebut dibuat semata mata hanya untuk mengisi kebosanan hidup kita & just for fun aja. ada beberapa yang gua upload ke youtube, tapi cuma dikit abis lamaaaa sih uploadnya. temen2 gua yg ikutan sarap tuh diantaranya : saritiyzeewy (sriyani), shinta, shabila, truly, jane. haha pokoknya seru deh.
Selasa, November 25, 2008
carolinaiueo is saw scarly similar artist
Senin, November 24, 2008
Carolinaiueo is a sad tree
yeah, its my first post. buat blog cuma gara gara ga ada kerjaan aja nih haha. sebenarnya sih ada, besok kan pekan ulangan namun saya malas hehe.
liat header blog gua ada gambar pohon. yeahhh, bisa dibilang itu pohon ga sehat yeee??? itu pohon melambangkan suasana gua saat ini bgt nih. gua namakan pohon itu dgn nama sad tree. yaa gara gara bentuknya ada tanpa daun sama seperti gua yg sedang di rundung banyak masalah. sakit segala lagi gua, biasa... penyakit musim pancaroba. dan masalah2 lain, terutama masalah my sociality a.k.a romance hahaha.
you know, he loves other girl. OMFG! setelah tau itu, i lost my power. rasanyaaaaaaaa ingin mengakhiri hidup saja. seandainya jantung ini berhenti berdetak sebelum gua tau itu, it wouldnt hurt like this. rasanyaaaaaaaa terlalu tega untuk diungkapkan. haha mungkin beberapa yg baca post ini mikir kalo gua terlalu berlebihan or watever lah, tapi ini benar benar ga di lebih lebihkan. itu emg yang sedang gua rasain, sampai saat ini juga masiiiiiih terasa periiiiih (haha). how poor i am!
its my very first time to love a guy. tunggu dulu, maksud gua tuh pertama kali bener2 bisa suka bangggggggggget laaah. wishing my feelings gone. wishing i can forget him like he fogotten me. wishing you pray for my wealthy hahahaha (maaf, ini ketawa stresssss)